
Consultant viewpoint; Multiplatform Insights: Docker Containers on z/OS

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Multiplatform Insights: Docker Containers on z/OS

by S. Michael Benson

Forget what you hear about needing to rewrite legacy applications to take advantage of new technology such as cloud computing and containers. It’s not true and is usually proposed as a way to get you to buy some product or service that will be both expensive and risky. Why would you want to do that?

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Regards, Len

Leonard J Santalucia

CTO | Business Development Manager | Certified Specialist | IBM Champion

Chair Linux Foundation Open Mainframe Project

Vicom Infinity, Inc.

IBM Gold Business Partner

21 Penn Plaza (FL6 @ WeWork)

New York, New York 10001



Recipient of The North America IBM Z Business Partner Sales Excellence Award 

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