
You are cordially invited to the zEnterprise Customer Council, Virtual Event, March 26, 2020

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You are cordially invited to join us for our next zEnterprise Customer Council meeting being held March 26, 2020. Due to concerns surrounding COVID-19, this particular Carolinas z Council session will be delivered virtually via Webex.

zEnterprise Customer Council
Webex Meeting

Your Hosts:
Rich Gast, Business Unit Executive, IBM
Dorian Thomas, Technical Solutions Specialist IBM
Len Santalucia, Business Development Manager, Vicom-Infinity, Inc.

What if you could build a hybrid workload consisting of native z/OS and Linux on Z software, both running in the same z/OS image? Our first presenter, IBM Distinguished Engineer Gus Kassimis, will provide an introduction to z/OS Container Extensions, an exciting new feature which will provide the ability to deploy Linux on Z software packaged as Docker images directly inside a z/OS system leveraging standard Docker container interfaces. This feature significantly expands what you are able to do with z/OS systems by allowing you to deploy Linux on Z software side by side with your z/OS software and middleware, all while preserving a z/OS operational model and z/OS qualities of service.

Our second session will be a customer presentation delivered by Western & Southern Financial Group Senior Systems Analyst,Jerry Edgington. Jerry will provide an overview of the Open Mainframe Project, diving into using open source tools (such as Jenkins, Git, and Groovy) in combination with vendor tools to build and deploy mainframe applications. This discussion will include COBOL as well as Java applications, and CICS native APIs. Included in the overview will be a link to an open source project in Open Mainframe Project, in order to jump start your conversion from z/OS SCM to Jenkins and Git.

The registration link as well as the agenda are included below:


12:00 PM z/OS Container Extensions – Gus Kassimis Distinguished Engineer, IBM Z Networking and z/OS Container Extensions (zCX)
IBM Systems
2:00 PM Break
3:00 PM Customer Presentation – Open Mainframe Project Jerry Edgington Senior Systems Analyst – Western & Southern Financial Group

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dorian Thomas ([email protected]).

Kind Regards,

Dorian Thomas
IBM Certified Technical Specialist

z Systems Software, IBM US, Distribution Market
mobile: +1.919.239.9332  e-mail: [email protected]

Regards, Len

Leonard J Santalucia

CTO | Business Development Manager | Certified Specialist | IBM Champion

Chair Linux Foundation Open Mainframe Project

Vicom Infinity, Inc.

IBM Gold Business Partner

21 Penn Plaza (FL6 @ WeWork)

New York, New York 10001



Recipient of The North America IBM Z Business Partner Sales Excellence Award 

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