
Vicom Infinity White Paper RE: IBM Hyper Protect Digital Assets Platform

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New Vicom Infinity White Paper/Solution Brief; IBM Hyper Protect Digital Assets Platform

The IBM Hyper Protect Digital Assets Platform is a trusted computing base (TCB) for digital asset custodians, exchanges, issuance providers, and permissioned blockchains solutions and hardened operational processes that, taken together, provide a high degree of confidence for their customers. Read more details in this white paper/solution brief.

Vicom Infinity Solution Brief – Hyper Protect Digital Asset Platform



Regards, Len

Leonard J Santalucia

CTO | Business Development Manager | Certified Specialist | IBM Champion

Chair Linux Foundation Open Mainframe Project

Vicom Infinity, Inc.

IBM Gold Business Partner

21 Penn Plaza (FL6 @ WeWork)

New York, New York 10001



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