– TITLE: Leveraging Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility
– ABSTRACT: Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) is a part of the IBM® z/OS® operating system that provides cryptographic functions for data security, data integrity, personal identification, digital signatures, and the management of cryptographic keys. Together with the cryptography features of the IBM Z family, it provides secure, high-performance cryptographic functions (such as the loading of master key values) that enable the hardware features to be used by applications. This IBM Redpaper™ publication briefly describes ICSF and the key elements of z/OS that address different security needs. The audience for this publication is cryptographic administrators and security administrators, and those in charge of auditing security in an organization.
Regards, Len
Leonard J. Santalucia
CTO | Business Development Manager | Certified Specialist
Vicom Infinity, Inc.
IBM Premier Business Partner
One Penn Plaza – Suite 2010
New York, New York 10119
vText……… [email protected]
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