The presentation charts for our lunch ‘n learn teleconference Friday 9/15 at 12-1pm ET. Please use 888-245-8770,,,206580 to attend.
Strategic areas of focus for IBM Z and the technologies that IBM Z provides to support those areas
Presentation Abstract
In this presentation, Mark will discuss strategic areas of focus for IBM Z and the technologies that IBM Z provides to support those areas. The areas covered are development speed and agility, modernization of and access to core business logic, drawing value from core data assets and investment in open source technologies. Additionally, Mark will offer his perspective on the recent IBM z14 announcements and some of the unique technologies designed in partnership with IBM Z clients.
Intended Audience:
Architects, CTO’s, CIO’s, CISO’s, CDO’s, DBA’s, Application Developers, Enterprise System technicians and management
Speaker Bio
Mark Anzani is the Vice President of Strategy for IBM Z. He engages in business and product technical strategy projects focused on the IBM mainframe business. Additionally, he supports specific client projects that drive new implementations and uses of IBM Z technology. He is based in the Poughkeepsie New York Development Laboratory. He joined IBM in Poughkeepsie in 1983 and during his career has had positions in a variety of product development disciplines, primarily focused on IBM large systems. Prior to his current role, he served as the Vice President, z Systems Resilience and Ecosystems. In that role, he had responsibility for the resiliency technology related to z Systems, as well as leading the efforts to ensure a strong ecosystem of ISV partners, hardware technology partners and z Systems skills for our clients. Mark frequently presents at industry conferences and to individual clients on the strategy and technical directions for the IBM Z platform. These engagements allow clients to provide feedback on the platform that help drive the technical strategy and implementation plans. Additionally, these discussions provide information on how other clients draw value from the platform.
Powerpoint Presentation: IBM z14
Regards, Len
Leonard J. Santalucia
CTO | Business Development Manager | Certified Specialist
Vicom Infinity, Inc.
IBM Premier Business Partner
One Penn Plaza – Suite 2010
New York, New York 10119
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