
Introducing New Release of Docker Enterprise Edition

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Docker announced a new release of Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) that allows organizations to modernize applications without disrupting the way they operate. This release brings together Windows and Linux applications, including Linux on IBM Z mainframe, to be managed and secured in a single Containers-as-a-Service platform.


Highlights of this release includes key new capabilities around multi-architecture orchestration, secure multi-tenancy, and policy-based automation including notable features like the full lifecycle management of Windows containers, enhanced access controls, automatic image promotion, and immutable repos. To learn more about this release, register for one of these upcoming webinars:



Try it For Yourself
If you’re interested in trying out the latest version of Docker EE for yourself, we are also excited to introduce a new way to experience Docker EE without having to install any software. Register for a Hosted Trial which provides you with your own hosted Docker EE Advanced environment complete with Universal Control Plane and Docker Trusted Registry. In just a few minutes, this environment provides you a sandbox for testing the new EE features without any risk nor infrastructure commitment.

Get Started in Minutes with a Free Hosted Trial

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