
IBM & Canonical: A Virtualization and Cloud Computing (R-)Evolution

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“As modern IT evolves, there have been many milestones along the way. Starting with bare metal servers, followed by virtualization, then cloud computing, and beyond. Each advancement has created both challenges and opportunities for IT professionals. Today the industry is focused on deploying solutions that will improve overall IT operations while reducing overhead. Orchestration and modeling solutions help these organizations to integrate, manage, and deploy flexible solutions faster and with more consistency. Canonical and IBM have partnered to help our mutual customers with advanced virtualisation solutions on the IBM z and LinuxONE platforms.

How IBM and Canonical bring virtualisation options to their customers

. ”

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Regards, Len


Leonard J. Santalucia

CTO | Business Development Manager | Certified Specialist

Vicom Infinity, Inc. De/wissenschaftsprestige/ essay schreiben beispiel klicke in dieses feld, um es in vollständiger größe anzuzeigen; IBM Premier Business Partner

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