
Free Student Hackathon at the SHARE Conference on Providence RI on Aug 8th

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Please let students know about this special no-cost opportunity for students to attend the SHARE conference in Providence Rhode Island on Aug 8th!

We are planning lots of special events for students attending including the opportunity to meet with enterprise employers and learn about all the latest advances in z Systems like blockchain and machine learning. Note that individuals pay $550 for a one day ticket but students get to go for free on August 8th. Faculty accompanying their students are also allowed to take advantage of this offer. Discounted rates for faculty and students is available if they want to attend a second day or the whole week. Note that travel costs are up to the attendees.

Please see the attached flyer for more information and the registration information.


Misty V. Decker, PMP
Program Manager, z Systems Academic Initiative

Poughkeepsie, NY
(845) 435-3082

It tends to be rather hot and dry during the writing papers day and in the summer, and relatively cold during the night and in the winter
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