ProTech & Vicom Infinity Addressing the Mainframe Skills Shortage
Presentation Abstract:
The mainframe skills shortage is no secret, pick up any trade publication and you will read numerous articles about companies struggling to find the appropriate staff to support their IBM z Systems investment. As more and more baby boomers retire this issue will only get worse! Come learn how ProTech and Vicom Infinity have partnered to help customers to address this growing problem thru the support of existing programs like IBM’s z Systems Academic Initiative and SHARE’s zNextGen project, running Mainframe Bootcamps, and our Guaranteed-To-Run open-enrollment workshops for z/OS, z/VM, and Linux on z.
Speaker Bio:
Scott McFall, VP, Business Development & Marc Ian Smith, System z Education Consultant at ProTech. ProTech based in Pittsburgh PA, is a global professional services specializing in System z training. Over the last three decades
ProTech has trained more than one quarter-million IT professionals at over 60% of the Fortune 1000.
Regards, Len
Leonard J. Santalucia
CTO | Business Development Manager | Certified Specialist
Vicom Infinity, Inc. IBM Premier Business Partner
One Penn Plaza – Suite 2010
New York, New York 10119
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