
MVMUA – January 19, 2021 meeting 10am-2pm EST – invitation and agenda

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The MVMUA board would like to invite members and non-members to take advantage of attending our next virtual meeting which is being held on Tuesday, January 19, 2021.

Please register by emailing – [email protected] subject: January 19 meeting


Tuesday, January 19th, 2021
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM EST

The full agenda with can be found at

Agenda Preview:

– Wilhelm Mild of IBM will give a present:

Plan and get the why to build a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Z and LinuxONE

With Red OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE, the journey towards Hybrid Multi Cloud environments and Confidential Computing is easier than ever. This session will outline the best use cases and explain the options, capabilities and advantages running them on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE. It will cover the integration with existing z/OS environments or Native Cloud implementations.



– Vincent Terrone of Vicom Infinity will present:


The Llama Project


Red Hat Ansible module/playbook for automated provisioning of IBM Storage on IBM LinuxONE and Linux on IBM Z.



– Bill Bitner of IBM will present:

Title: z/VM 7.2 in 60 Minutes or Less

The z/VM Platform Update: Expanding the Horizon with z/VM 7.2 has been presented several times in the past 6 months at various virtual events. You may also have seen “Leveraging the Newest Capabilities in z/VM” session. This presentation will be a bit of a Frankenstein as we look at parts of these two presentations and some other information and try to give you the most important information for z/VM 7.2. So grab a coffee and join Bill for chat on the newest technology from z/VM.



– A presenter from Broadcom (TBA) will present:

Title:   Making VM work for you through the power of automation

Abstract:  When there isn’t enough time in the day or hours to execute the demanding schedules we’re all presented with, automation in the world of VM becomes a necessity for success and sanity.

Please return to this page for the complete agenda which will be posted when ready.

Please register by emailing – [email protected] subject: January 19 meeting

Regards, Len


Leonard J Santalucia

CTO | Business Development Manager | Certified Specialist | IBM Champion

Chair Linux Foundation Open Mainframe Project

Vicom Infinity, Inc.

IBM Gold Business Partner

21 Penn Plaza (FL6 @ WeWork)

New York, New York 10001




Recipient of The North America IBM Z Business Partner Sales Excellence Award 

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