Dear Mainframe (IBM Z) Students and Educators,
We invite you to attend our 2019 VM Workshop which will be held on June 27-29
at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA for two and a half days packed full of education and networking.
What is the VM Workshop?
The VM Workshop is an annual educational conference that covers two of IBM’s mainframe operating systems, z/VM, z/VSE; as well as the Linux operating system running as a guest of z/VM on IBM Z mainframes. It offers sessions on technical topics, hands-on labs, and user-experience sessions. Vendors provide sessions where you can learn about major non-IBM software packages and services. Everyone enjoys the opportunity to meet and network with people from various companies who are both new to the mainframe as well as highly skilled.
Students are invited to attend all 2 ½ days at the student rate of $10. Please visit our Student Attendees website for a description of our student package, and our registration website for an explanation of our conference rates.
Places to Stay
On-campus dorm rooms are available at a rate of $35-$50/Night depending on single or double occupancy. We plan to update our website with a list of hotels you may consider if the on-campus dorm rooms do not meet your needs.
Checkout our Sponsors!
Visit our 2018 sponsors page to see the companies who help us keep this event affordable. Sponsors will have tables in our vendor area to discuss their products and services. Some will offer presentations of their contributions to the mainframe environment.
Spread the Word!
Educators, please feel free to forward our invitation to your students and colleagues who might be interested in this affordable educational experience. Students, please share this opportunity with others!
We look forward to seeing you in Richmond on June 27-30!
Regards, Len
Leonard J. Santalucia
CTO | Business Development Manager | Certified Specialist | IBM Champion
Vicom Infinity, Inc.
IBM Premier Business Partner
One Penn Plaza – Suite 2010
New York, New York 10119
vText……… [email protected]
Vicom Infinity
Vicom Computer Services
Infinity Systems Software
Linux Foundation Open Mainframe Project
Recipient of The North America IBM Z Business Partner Sales Excellence Award